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Issue 2 of Mushikera is done!

Super thrilled to say that the finished artwork for Mushikera issue 2 was delivered to the letterer on July 8th! I'm hoping to have the books in-hand in time for Terrificon next month. Issue two was almost a year of work, so I'm very excited for it to release.

Here's a look at half of the cover; this one is a full cover spread!

cover of mushikera issue 2
Mushikera #2

After finishing issue two of Mushikera, I've started working on my next project - a mini called "The Saga of Oddr: The Bridegroom and the She-bear written by Viking Vs Samurai AKA Joseph Aleo. I'm really pumped to be working on this story, and I feel like so far it's some of the best work I've put out. I cannot wait for everyone to check out these pages.

Check out the latest sneak peek of the saga below!



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All artwork © Dave Fowler

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