Terrificon 2021
Wow, what a weekend! Terrificon was the first convention I've set up at in over two years. It's pretty crazy to think that it's been that long since I've seen some of my friends.
One of my favorite parts of setting up at shows is getting to meet so many interesting people. It's more than just selling art, it's being able to share stories and make memories. I'm eternally grateful for everyone that came out to see me, and for all of the new friends I made this past weekend. I can't believe how many different people found a common thread of interest in my work. It's been a long journey developing a style that I feel represents the way I see the world. My work is unquestionably different than the last time you might have seen me at a convention, so I was very excited to get out there and share it.
I really miss conventions. It was absolutely amazing hanging out with my usual partner in crime, AJ and equally amazing being able to hang out with my friend Sean who I haven't seen in years, but have known for over half my life. I met so many new friends and fellow artists that I hope to stay in contact with. That's the best part about some of these shows, you get to meet people that you talk to and share with for years. I'll admit I was a bit sad this morning knowing that I didn't have to hurry up and get ready to head out the door to get to the venue in time to beat the early bird ticket holders. Shows can be stressful at times, but at this point in my life I'm really focusing on enjoying the minutes, because they come and go so fast.
Anyways, thanks for reading. If you're one of the awesome people who happened to snag an original piece of art this weekend, or just stopped by my booth for a good chat about all things comics I just want to say "thank you." It is an awesome feeling when another person shows interest in something that is very near and dear to me.
Be well.
